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  What should I pay attention to if the Hong Kong Cloud server host is renting
What should I pay attention to if the Hong Kong Cloud server host is renting
Time : 2023-05-10 14:39:57
Edit : Jtti

  It is often said that the rental of the cloud server in Hong Kong has always been a popular choice. First of all, among many overseas servers, the bandwidth and sufficient bandwidth of Hong Kong cloud servers; second, the hardware configuration is high, but the price is very low, and the cloud server room environment in Hong Kong is higher and the management is relatively complete. If your target user is in the Asia -Pacific region, Hong Kong Cloud Server is a very good choice. Although Yun server has many advantages in Hong Kong, there are still some noteworthy places in terms of server leasing. The following are several points for selecting the Hong Kong Cloud Server host:

  1. Select configuration

  Whether it is the selection of the Hong Kong cloud server host or the local server, from the perspective of configuration, the selection of attention points are basically the same. The key is to determine the configuration according to your business needs. In terms of configuration selection, you should try to consult the official IDC service providers before the sales of the customer service. Generally, the pre -sale customer service will recommend the appropriate configuration to you according to the business needs you provide.

  It should be noted that in terms of configuration, it is not just to meet business needs, because business will continue to develop, so the configuration choice is higher than the demand, and it will be better to choose a higher configuration as much as possible.

  2. Select the route according to business needs

  There are two types of lines of Hong Kong Cloud Server: ordinary and CN2 lines. If you have high demand for the opening speed of the website and the business target users are basically in China, the choice of CN2 line will be better. The location is far from my country, and the CN2 line is more stable, which can effectively ensure the normal operation of the business.

  Regular server suppliers can test the actual access speed of the server before purchasing, and use the ping instruction to test the opening speed through the ping instruction to avoid being deceived by the enterprise and buy a narrowed Hong Kong cloud server.

  3. Requires to pay clear follow -up expenses

  Unlike the IDC service provider, the cost of allocating upgrades in the middle and later stages of the network server is different. Compare the cost of upgrading each server in advance to prevent the future upgrade from being too expensive or unreasonable.

  Fourth, after -sales service

  What is the support of the service provider's after -sales service technology? It is related to the stability of the subsequent server. Good after -sales service can effectively ensure the stability of the server. No matter how good the server is, if it cannot be resolved immediately, it is easy to cause serious business losses. Therefore, reliable after -sales service guarantee is very important.
