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  Which is the best US cn2 vps with high cost performance?
Which is the best US cn2 vps with high cost performance?
Time : 2023-01-06 10:45:31
Edit : Jtti

With the rise of vps in the United States, many website operators will choose American cloud hosts to build their websites, and because the telecom cn2 dedicated line directly connects to the mainland, the advantages of cn2vps in the United States are gradually showing. In the next period of time, cn2 vps in the United States may be widely used, and its application system will become more and more perfect. So which is the best US cn2vps with high cost performance?

cn2 (China Net Next Carrying Network) is a multi-service bearer network, also known as the direct connection to the backbone network of China. Among them, there is a network line dedicated to China Telecom from the United States to the mainland. It is also the fastest at present, and it does not need to go internationally first. The network re-enters the mainland, but is directly connected, so using the US cn2 vps access is the fastest.

This kind of cn2 line is the backbone network of international bandwidth in China. It is owned by high-quality computer rooms in the United States. Because it is directly connected to China, there are few nodes and line loss is small, domestic access is relatively stable, and its access cost is relatively high. It is suitable for customers in domestic enterprises. . Simply put, the difference between the US server CN2 network and the ordinary China Net network is like the difference between a highway and an ordinary road, like the difference between a high-speed rail and a green train.

The performance of the US cn2 vps is also very superior. It has an independent operating system and memory resources. If you feel that the memory, bandwidth and other resources are not enough later, you can also upgrade the relevant configuration of the server.

The US cn2 vps is relatively cost-effective, and the rental price is much cheaper than that of US servers, which is affordable for most individuals and businesses. For the US cn2 vps, the most significant advantages are fast access speed, good stability, much faster than ordinary lines, low latency, low packet loss rate, and high security. Therefore, for webmasters who require higher access speed, it is an ideal choice to choose the US cn2 vps, and the general Ping value is around 150ms.

US cn2 vps recommends JTTI, self-operated computer room, sufficient bandwidth, point-to-point connection, access to bandwidth exceeding 100+Gbps, CN2 GIA three-network direct connection, providing low-latency network, fast and stable, cheap price, welcome to consult!
