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What are the benefits of server independent IP
Time : 2023-04-03 15:04:06
Edit : Jtti

  Independent IP is the Internet protocol address that is only allocated to one account, which means that the IP address will not be shared with other websites and can be used by users. In addition, even if the domain name does not point to the user's server, you can use an independent IP address to access your website and enjoy the additional protective layer.

  One thing that needs to be considered when deciding to use an independent IP is the price, which depends on the server provider selected by the user. The most cost -effective way to obtain independent IP for the website is to purchase the VPS server. The specific price depends on resource allocation. Here is JTTI recommended. The VPS has 2 free independent IP and unlimited traffic packages; in addition, it also includes exclusive exclusive enjoyment Bandwidth, RAID hard disk and unlimited cloud storage support. Another choice is to use independent servers, but this solution is usually very expensive and suitable for large -scale enterprises.

  1. Email delivery rate

  One of the factors affecting the delivery rate of emails is the IP reputation. It will determine whether the user's email can enter the inbox. Therefore, the better the IP reputation, the more emails users are successfully sent. Independent IP addresses can ensure higher reputation and protect their infringement of email issuers. In addition, independent IP addresses also allow companies to send more emails.

  2. Use IP access website

  Sometimes users may need to access the website through the IP address. For example, if you build a website if you want to register a domain name, you only need to enter an independent IP in the address bar to perform subsequent operations. Users can directly access the website files through FTP, which means that even if the DNS record is still in dissemination, users can view their own website.

  Third, search engine optimization

  Independent IP addresses provide users with the advantage of controlling the reputation of the website -this is one of the most important factors that affect search SEOs. If there is no independent IP, users may need to share IP addresses with hundreds or even thousands of other websites. Just like the reputation of email, the shared IP address will make the website risk -because other users may perform bad SEO operations. In the worst case, even if the user does not do anything wrong, his website may be included in the blacklist.

  Four, SSL certificate

  The SSL certificate protects the website through all information exchanged between users and servers. If the user has an e -commerce website or any website that needs to be paid, you must install the SSL certificate to protect the customer's sensitive information -because this information is prone to security loopholes.

  Although users can use SNI to install SSL certificates, they are likely to have compatibility issues. Independent IP not only avoids compatibility issues, but also allows users to install more advanced SSL certificates to provide high security.

  5. Excellent server control

  Independent IP addresses can provide users with higher -level server access and control. Users can directly configure the server without the need to control the panel interface to operate.

  6. Website performance

  Website performance refers to the time spent on the webpage download and displaying it from the server to the user's network browser. It establishes the first impression of the website and business, so it is an important factor that determines the user experience. Generally speaking, high -performance websites with fast loading time are more likely to promote traffic and increase conversion rate.

  If the user uses a shared IP, the website may slow down and affect its performance when the website receives a high flow load. Although independent IP is not the only factor affecting the performance of the website, it will definitely help increase the speed of the website.
