The new paradigm of the cloud host means that companies do not necessarily need to follow this traditional path, and they can start building websites on the hosting cloud plan, and integrate support for platforms such as Varnish Cache, MEMCACHED, NGINX, CDN and other platforms in advance. In the past, developers needed a few hours to independently build on custom independent servers.
Cloud host provides a scalable server resource allocation based on hardware virtualization, and the independent server plan includes a fixed distribution of isolation RAM, CPU and SSD/HDD storage, which can provide better performance and higher security for online business applications. There is even a mixed dedicated cloud host, which uses a single parent server resource based on special hardware.
The elastic cloud solution can expand to provide higher -level web traffic support that can provide than a single independent server, and it is increasingly becoming an important aspect of maintaining the most popular websites and mobile applications. JTTI's cloud host provides unlimited SSD storage and unlimited flow, and the CDN accelerate service is applied. Users can also upgrade and increase resources on demand.
More independent servers and cloud hosting are an important part of the company's establishment of its network. In the end, it was decided to be attributed to how each server meets the needs of a single enterprise.
For the network hosting requirements of most small enterprises, the cloud hosting solution provides scalability options for network server resources. These options have the same price level as the independent server hardware of high -traffic websites.
Many cloud platforms use a single web server stack software and do not support custom software requirements for traditional web applications or databases. Therefore, special server plans are required. In most cases, the cloud host provides the PAAS option of "plug -in and played". Small business owners can transfer existing websites to the option to cache through integrated pages to obtain better network server performance in large scale.
Independent servers provide basic hardware resources. Developers can use programming language expansion, tools, utility and third -party frameworks to customize these hardware resources to write complex, database -driven webs and mobile applications. Excessive configuration of independent server hardware for Web and mobile applications can bring better performance. This is based on the virtualization of thousands of activity domain names on a single server instance. Share hosting and special hosting may occur.
Although there are a variety of cloud hosts, platforms and services, each is a unique solution for the development of the company and programming team for the market, the main advantage of the cloud host is that they provide pre -installed elastic network server support and custom stack software Optimized for the CMS website running on LAMP. The CMS website owner has achieved better overall performance in the combination of high -level hardware configuration, SSD storage options, network traffic load balance, and multi -layer database, PHP processes and Web file cache services (including CDN integration).
The main disadvantage of independent servers is that under non -controlling methods, system administrators must be responsible for all aspects of Web security, including operating systems (OS) and all installed extensions.
Independent servers with a hosting stack software environment are continuously updated the security patch by the remote technicians of the data center, but this may lead to the data access problem of unregistered employees, which is unacceptable for certain business operations.
The cost of renting remote independent servers may even be higher than purchased and configured hardware locally, although it is difficult to copy the speed of optical fiber network resources in world -class data centers or international custody facilities.
The trust in the network custody company includes support for third -party teams, technical assistance, and dependence on operating commissioning for business websites, but not every custody company can guarantee that it is reliable in this regard, leading to potential Business loss or occasional online server stop time.