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  Why does the independent server choose unlimited traffic
Why does the independent server choose unlimited traffic
Time : 2023-03-28 14:45:02
Edit : Jtti

  When looking for a server or hosting service for enterprises, the first thing that the company needs to determine is the network and traffic requirements of the enterprise. This is important because choosing the wrong traffic plan will bring huge costs and other negative effects to the business. In this article, companies will understand the importance of choosing unlimited traffic independent servers.

  Flow refers to the amount of data that enterprises can transmit or download from the website. Reference traffic configuration, the two most popular types of hosting are VPS and independent servers. They are different in terms of performance level and cost, and the latter will be introduced herein.

  After obtaining an independent server, companies will have a complete physical server to store websites and applications. Since there is no need to share server resources with anyone, enterprises can obtain the advantages of high performance and strong security. In addition, enterprises can configure hardware and software according to their unique business needs to gain higher flexibility.

  When selecting the server, the company needs to consider the use of traffic. Many medium and large enterprises need huge traffic to support their IT needs -especially when they plan to expand in the future. In addition, although some small companies may not need unlimited flow from the beginning, as customers grow, this will become a useful feature. Some benefits of unlimited data independent servers include:

  1. higher flexibility

  Different from providing specific traffic schemes, independent servers with unlimited traffic will provide users with greater freedom and flexibility. If the enterprise has reached the upper limit of the traffic, the official platform will usually notify and limit the upload capacity, and even lead to an unprecedented shutdown phenomenon of the website. On the other hand, the independent server of unlimited flow allows the use of large flow to reduce costs. The service provides enterprises with convenience to pay for fixed costs and the freedom of allocating servers without reducing resources.

  2. Enhance performance

  Most websites running multiple applications in the background require a large number of server resources. Using metering server may limit the ability of enterprise development and its ability to optimize corporate websites -because each time new applications are installed, enterprises need to consider whether the traffic is sufficient. Switching to unlimited server solutions allows companies to focus on improving the performance of the website, thereby obtaining more website visits and sales.

  Third, there is no hidden cost. When the traditional type of hosting is used, the enterprise needs to pay close attention to the traffic that uses it. If there is a limit, the company will eventually pay the excess fee. Usually, the amount of excessive use per GB may be between 0.05 US dollars and $ 0.25. On the other hand, an independent server with unlimited flow provides enterprises with the most cost -effective infrastructure solution -even if the traffic is surging, companies do not have to worry about additional costs.

  Fourth, scalability

  With the increase of business, the demand for storage and processing large amounts of data is also increasing. Using independent servers in this case may cause enterprises to spend more additional costs. Instead, the undeveloped independent server will provide scalable advantages, allowing enterprises to upgrade or downgrade the unpattered port. Therefore, enterprises can better control the growth and contraction of bandwidth ports according to their specific business needs.

  Switching to an independent server with unlimited traffic will become one of the best investment made by enterprises. With the multiple advantages of the server, companies will gain more customers, promote sales and establish a strong brand reputation. The JTTI independent server provides unlimited traffic on the basis of top -level hardware facilities, and includes two free independent IP, cloud storage support and independent hard disk redundant arrays, which is the best choice for enterprises.
