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  What are the advantages of cloud hosting and VPS
What are the advantages of cloud hosting and VPS
Time : 2023-03-24 14:49:39
Edit : Jtti

  For users who have just begun to build websites or applications, the type of choosing the hosting service may be difficult -especially many people understand the difference between the difference between the VPS host and the cloud host, which also causes a lot of confusion. To help everyone understand this, this article will study these two types of services and analyze its concepts and advantages.

  First of all, the Chinese name of the VPS host is a virtual independent server, which is the purpose of bridging the gap between the virtual host and the independent server. Although it has also custody multiple accounts on the same physical server, each account has its own virtual machine space. This virtual machine provides users with an isolated environment -although they are not as strong as independent servers, their hardware resources are used for users at any time. The popularity of VPS hosts has been growing rapidly because it contains some excellent advantages.

  1. Has cost -effective

  Before the VPS host appears, if the virtual host cannot meet the needs of users, then it can only be switched to an expensive independent server. Because the VPS host is strong and isolation, its price is slightly higher than the virtual host, but it is far less expensive as the independent server, so it has cost benefits.

  2. Reliable performance

  The hardware resources of the VPS host can be used for users at any time, so there is no need to worry about others to take up too much space and slow down their website speed.

  3. Easy to expand

  Users can easily change their VPS configuration, and their upgrade process will be carried out without stopping time. In addition, some host providers also provide options for upgrading a single component to allow users to get additional flexibility.

  4. Easy to use

  Many people think that running the entire VPS host is too complicated, so many consoles provide solution for platform custody. With it, the platform will handle all complex technical tasks, and users can manage their own projects only through control panels.

  The above is the concept and advantage of the VPS host. The host is introduced below. Let's talk about their main differences -the infrastructure of hardware resources. The VPS host actually depends on concentrated methods, because a single physical machine has turned on the power and connected to the network. Although the host is similar to VPS -is not affected by other websites' performance -but in terms of providing computing capabilities, cloud hosting depends on distributed methods.

  Cloud hosts are not a single physical server, but are supported by a group of machines. These machines work together to provide users with CPUs, memory and disk space -and this cluster is what people usually call "clouds". Although they connect and work together, this physical machine that constitutes cloud does not need to be located in the same data center. For redundancy and performance, many cloud computing companies have clusters distributed around the world.

  1. Better running time and availability

  Unlike traditional hosts, the availability of cloud hosts does not depend on the operating status of a single physical server. For example, if a hardware failure of the physical mechanism supply to VPS, all the hosts will be unable to access all the hosts above -and cloud hosts will not have this phenomenon.

  2. Unparalleled flexibility

  Cloud hosts can use almost unlimited resource pools, so users can add more features when needed. The distributed model also enables some providers to design the solution to be collected. Users only need to pay for the hardware resources and traffic they use.

  3. Complete custom

  Users can use the cloud host to do anything they want to do, only to have some technologies. This custom function enables the cloud host to apply to various applications.

  4. High -level security

  Some people think that distribution services between multiple servers will damage their security, but in fact, the provider has done a lot of work to ensure that users' websites can be well protected. It should be noted that if the user chooses a self -custody solution, then he needs to configure it by himself.
