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  Win2003 VPS server uses IIS to build a website
Win2003 VPS server uses IIS to build a website
Time : 2023-01-03 09:34:26
Edit : Jtti

With the advent of the Internet age, many netizens are groping for how to build a website. Today, the editor will share the VPS website building method that I have learned!




01. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) manager. I put it on the desktop.


02. Right click on "Website" - "New" - "Website"


03. Fill in the relevant information of your website, that is, the host header of the website


04. Fill in the TCP port of the website, generally we fill in 80


05. Select the source code file you want to build


06. Select the default language of the source code program you built the site, and remember to check the Run script file. At this point, the construction of the site is basically completed.


07. The next step is permission setting. At this time, when you visit your website, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. We need to add user permissions to the website. Right click on your website logo –> “Permissions” – add user permissions


IIS independent users also run in isolation, so don't use one account for all websites.


08. To add an iss user, click Add as shown in the icon


09. Click to enter advanced search


10. Select the user, remember to use the IUSR user, the latter may be different


11. Select user permissions, and now the entire website has permissions. OK, your website can be accessed!


12. The following is the binding of multiple domain names to the same website, right-click on your website to attribute


13. Find the website, click to enter "Advanced" on the right of the IP address


14. Add the domain name you want to bind in the advanced logo of the website


15. Add the domain name you want to bind in the website editing logo. At this point, the construction of multiple domain names accessing a website has come to an end.
