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  Steps to improve volume management for OpenStack pike
Steps to improve volume management for OpenStack pike
Time : 2025-02-24 15:29:29
Edit : Jtti

  In OpenStack Pike, volume management is implemented through the Cinder service, which is responsible for creating, attaching, deleting, extending, and managing storage volumes. To improve volume management in OpenStack Pike, you need to configure and manage multiple aspects of Cinder, including volume creation, backup, recovery, snapshots, extensions, etc.

  Here are some key steps and best practices for improving volume management in OpenStack Pike.

  1. Install and configure Cinder service

  Make sure that your OpenStack Pike environment has the Cinder service installed and configured correctly. Cinder is a block storage service in OpenStack that interacts with other services such as Nova, Keystone, Glance, etc. to provide high availability and high performance storage solutions.

  Cinder service installation

  Install Cinder service:

  Install Cinder service on the controller node and storage node.

  sudo apt-get install cinder-api cinder-scheduler cinder-volume

  Configure Cinder configuration file:

  Edit the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf configuration file to ensure that it is consistent with the configuration of other OpenStack services, especially the authentication with Keystone and the connection settings with the storage backend.

  Start Cinder service:

  Start and make sure the Cinder service is running.

  sudo systemctl restart cinder-api cinder-scheduler cinder-volume

  sudo systemctl enable cinder-api cinder-scheduler cinder-volume

  2. Configure storage backend

  Cinder supports multiple storage backends, such as LVM, Ceph, NFS, and other third-party storage systems. Choosing the right backend storage is a key part of volume management.

  Configure LVM storage backend (example)

  Install LVM:

  If you choose to use LVM backend storage, you need to install LVM tools first.

  sudo apt-get install lvm2

  Create LVM Volume Group and Logical Volumes:

  Create LVM volume group and format it with suitable file system.

  sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb

  sudo vgcreate cinder-volumes /dev/sdb

  sudo lvcreate -L 100G -n volume1 cinder-volumes

  Configure Cinder to use LVM:

  Configure LVM storage backend in /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file.


  volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver

  volume_group = cinder-volumes

  volume_backend_name = LVM

  Restart the Cinder service:

  sudo systemctl restart cinder-volume

  3. Create, extend, and delete volumes

  You can create, extend, and delete volumes through the OpenStack CLI or Dashboard. Here's how to manage them through the command line.

  Create a volume

  To create a volume using the OpenStack CLI:

  openstack volume create --size 10 --volume-type LVM myvolume

  This command creates a volume of 10 GB of type LVM.

  Extend a volume

  If you need to extend the size of a volume, you can use the following command:

  openstack volume set --size 20 myvolume

  This command extends the size of the myvolume volume to 20 GB.

  After the expansion, you also need to expand the file system in the operating system to take advantage of the new space. The specific steps are as follows:

  Check the partition information:


  Expand the file system:

  If the volume uses the ext4 file system, you can use the following command:

  sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/cinder--volumes-myvolume

  Delete the volume

  To delete a volume, you can use the following command:

  openstack volume delete myvolume

  4. Volume snapshots and backups

  Snapshots and backups are important components of volume management, especially for data recovery and high availability.

  Create a volume snapshot

  Creating a volume snapshot can help you capture the current state of the volume for future recovery.

  openstack volume snapshot create --volume myvolume mysnapshot

  Restore a volume snapshot

  Restore a volume to a snapshot can be done with the following command:

  openstack volume snapshot restore mysnapshot

  Create a volume backup

  You can back up a volume using the backup service provided by OpenStack. First, configure the backup storage backend, and then create a backup using the following command.

  openstack volume backup create --container-name backups myvolume

  Restore a volume backup

  Restore a volume using the backup service:

  openstack volume restore --backup mybackup myvolume

  5. Monitor and manage volumes

  To ensure that volume management in OpenStack Pike runs efficiently, you need to regularly monitor the status, performance, and health of volumes. You can use monitoring tools provided by OpenStack, such as Ceilometer or Gnocchi, for real-time monitoring.

  View volume status

  You can view the status of a volume using the following command:

  openstack volume list

  View volume details

  View details of a single volume:

  openstack volume show myvolume

  6. Configure multiple storage backends (optional)

  If you want to support multiple storage backends, you can enable multiple storage backends in the Cinder configuration file.

  Configure multiple storage backends:

  Configure multiple storage backends in /etc/cinder/cinder.conf:


  enabled_backends = lvm, ceph


  volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver

  volume_group = cinder-volumes

  volume_backend_name = LVM


  volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.ceph.rados.RADOSDriver

  volume_backend_name = Ceph

  Restart Cinder service:

  sudo systemctl restart cinder-api cinder-scheduler cinder-volume

  With the above steps, you can improve the volume management function in OpenStack Pike. When configuring and managing Cinder volumes, you need to select the appropriate storage backend, configure volume creation, expansion, deletion, snapshot, and backup functions, support multiple storage backends when needed, and adjust the storage configuration as needed.
