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  Is it good to rent Hong Kong cn2 vps?
Is it good to rent Hong Kong cn2 vps?
Time : 2023-02-10 13:46:20
Edit : Jtti

We all know that overseas vps hosts use international lines, so the speed of domestic users' access is extremely slow, but if the second-generation overseas backbone network (CN2 for short) set up by China Telecom is used, the speed of Hong Kong vps is the same as that of mainland vps Fast, so many users will choose a Hong Kong vps host with a CN2 line when purchasing, so let's take a look at how the Hong Kong vps host with a CN2 line is.

Since its launch, Hong Kong vps has been loved by the majority of users due to its advantages of not needing to file for the record and supporting overseas access. Although it is a domestic host, due to regional reasons, its vps host performance is the same as that of overseas vps.

The Hong Kong vps of the Cn2 line has the same access speed as the mainland vps. In addition, it can also support overseas access, which means that while the Hong Kong vps has the advantages of overseas vps, it can also be compared with the mainland vps in terms of speed. Great value for money.

It should be noted that the CN2 line is divided into two levels, one is CN2 GIA, and the other is CN2 CT;

The CN2 GIA level is the highest. Secondly, the CN2 line is also divided into one-way and two-way. To put it bluntly, it means whether to take the CN2 line when going or returning. One-way is counted as one-way, and the CN2 line is double-way. From the price point of view, it is obvious that the prices of different levels of CN2 GIA and CN2 GT are different, and the prices of one-way and two-way are also different. Secondly, the price is not only related to the line, but also related to the Internet network resources in Hong Kong. , due to the small area of Hong Kong, the total amount of export bandwidth is only so much, so the cost of server resources for Hong Kong vps is slightly expensive.

JTTI Hong Kong vps is directly connected to mainland China through CN2, and the access delay in the southeast and major cities across the country is as low as 10ms. The BGP protocol in the Hong Kong computer room can adjust the line at any time, making the access time shorter and faster.
