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  Which is easy to use CDN protection and high defense server
Which is easy to use CDN protection and high defense server
Time : 2023-12-11 11:13:13
Edit : Jtti

  CDN protection and high defense servers are two different security solutions, each with its own advantages and applicable scenarios. Below I will introduce their characteristics and use them under the circumstances.

  CDN protection:

  Content distribution network (CDN): It is mainly used to increase the speed of website access. By cache static resources through the server that is distributed globally, reducing the loading time during user access.

  Distributed protection: CDN can decentralized traffic to make it a server distributed in multiple nodes around the world, which helps to block distributed distributed refusal service (DDOS) attacks of certain scale.

  High -combined processing: Through the distributed architecture, CDN can process a large number of concurrent requests to improve the stability and performance of the website.

  Save bandwidth costs: Because CDN can cache and distribute content, it can effectively reduce the bandwidth pressure of the source server and reduce the bandwidth cost.

  High defense server:

  Special protection: High defense server is a server specially designed to resist DDOS attacks. It is usually equipped with powerful DDOS protection equipment and software.


  Hardware protection: In real time monitoring and protection of DDOS attacks using hardware equipment, it can respond quickly when attack occurs to ensure the availability of the service.

  Customized protection strategy: High -defense servers usually allow users to formulate customized protection strategies according to their own needs, including attack detection and blockade rules.

  Suitable for complex attacks: For more complex and advanced DDOS attacks, high -defense servers can usually provide more effective response methods to ensure that the business is not affected.

  Consider factors when choosing:

  Attack type: If it is mainly facing large -scale DDOS attacks, especially for attacks on network layers and transmission layers, high -defense servers may be more suitable. If it is a small -scale attack or needs to increase the speed of the website, CDN protection may be more suitable.

  Cost: High -defense servers are usually relatively expensive, and the cost of CDN services may be more flexible. Consider selection according to the budget.

  Business demand: Considering the specific needs of business, if you need to improve the performance of the website and accelerate the distribution of content, the CDN is a more direct choice. If you need special DDOS protection and security, high -defense servers may be more suitable.

  Comprehensive use of CDN protection and high defense servers is also an effective solution to provide more comprehensive security and performance optimization.
