Server bandwidth and network speed are related but different concepts. They have different roles in network communication:
Server bandwidth (bandwidth):
The server bandwidth refers to the data transmission capacity between the server and the network. It is usually measured by the amount of data transmitted per second. The unit is a Bit per second (BPS) or a mega bit (MBPS) per second (MBPS). This means that the amount of data that the server can process at the same time, that is, the maximum speed of the server connected to the network.
Network Speed:
The speed of the network speed is usually used to describe the speed transmitted by the data in the network, which is the time required to indicate data from one place to another. The network speed involves the transmission rate of data on the entire network path, including the transmission speed from the server to the end user. The network speed is usually measured by the amount of data transmitted per second. It also uses Bitt per second (BPS) or megabit to be per second (MBPS) and other units.
The server bandwidth is the communication capability between the server and the network, and the maximum speed of the server connected to the network.
The speed of the network describes the speed of the data transmission in the network, involving the transmission rate of data from source to destination.
The relationship between server bandwidth and network speed is that the size of the server bandwidth will affect the speed of data transmission from the server to the end user. If the server bandwidth is small, the data speed transmitted in the network may be limited, which will affect the network speed experience of the end user. Therefore, the larger the server bandwidth, usually it means faster network speed, especially when processing multiple concurrent connections or a large amount of data transmission.