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  Hong Kong server CN2 and optimization return line
Hong Kong server CN2 and optimization return line
Time : 2023-02-03 15:07:08
Edit : Jtti

  When many users rent a Hong Kong server or a foreign server, the service provider usually recommends the return line, because the return line to the country not only improves the access speed of Hong Kong or foreign servers, but also has a relatively high stability. Essence

  There are two types of Hong Kong server return to China: one is the CN2 high -speed return to China, and the other is to optimize the return line. They are all recommended lines. Among them, the quality of the CN2 line is the fastest and the lowest is delayed; secondly, optimize the return line. Recommended reading: Why should overseas servers choose the CN2 line

  Hong Kong Server CN2 Return to China Route

  The CN2 line is a new generation of overseas commercial networks set up by China Telecom. Its advantage is high performance and high quality. Compared with optimizing the return line, the speed is faster and delayed lower. The CN2 returning national line is divided into two types: CN2 GT and CN2 GIA. Among them, CN2 GIA is the other line. The Hong Kong server CN2 line recommended by the service provider is also CN2 GIA.

  The disadvantage of the CN2 line is that the number is scarce and the cost is high.

  What is the Hong Kong server optimization return line? It is the traditional 163 network line that has been optimized by the service provider. So what is optimized? What is the difference between the 163 line that is not optimized?

  Although the optimized 163 line is a direct network, it needs to be uniformly scheduled by the third -party BGP protocol through the BGP protocol of the computer room. The optimized return line has skipped the third -party BGP protocol schedul Essence The advantage of optimizing the CN2 line is more resources and low cost. The disadvantage is that compared to CN2, the speed is slower and stable.
