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  What is the difference between server and high -defense CDN
What is the difference between server and high -defense CDN
Time : 2023-10-26 14:48:12
Edit : Jtti

  Server and high defense CDN (Content Delivery Network) are two different network services, which have some significant differences in function, use, and working methods. The following are their main differences:

  1. Function and use:


  The server is a computer system for storing, processing and providing network services. It can host websites, applications, databases, etc., acting as a bridge between clients and network resources.

  The server is mainly responsible for handling user requests, execution of business logic, providing storage and database services, etc. It is an operation platform for applications and services.

  High defense CDN:

  High -defense CDN is a distributed network architecture to accelerate content transmission and provide security. CDN has provided these resources to users by cache static resources around the world, thereby accelerating access to access.

  The main functions of high -defense CDN include content distribution, cache, load balancing and security protection. It can defend DDOS attacks, reduce server loads, improve website performance, and provide global content distribution services.

  2. Working method:


  The server directly handles the user's request and provides the client with the required services or data. Users' requests are usually passed directly to the server, and the server responds to the user.

  High defense CDN:

  High -defense CDN uses distributed edge nodes, which are located around the world. When a user requests to access a certain site, the CDN will provide the content from the nearest node cache to the user, instead of obtaining it directly from the source server. This helps improve access speed.

  3. Security:


  The server itself does not focus on providing security, but requires additional security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), etc., to protect the server from network attacks.

  High defense CDN:

  High -defense CDNs usually have built -in security measures, which can effectively defend DDOS attacks, reduce network loads, and improve the security of the site. The distributed structure of the CDN makes it more uncomfortable with large -scale attacks.


  4. Performance optimization:


  The server is responsible for handling all requests, and the performance depends on the server's hardware and network bandwidth. In high loads, the server may face performance bottlenecks.

  High defense CDN:

  By distributing nodes globally, high -defense CDNs increase the content of the content slowly from the user, thereby increasing the access speed. CDN can also improve performance through load balancing and cache optimization.

  Server and high -defense CDN serve different uses. The server is mainly used to host applications and provides services, while high -defense CDN focuses on increasing the speed of content transmission, reducing the burden on the source server, and providing security protection. In some scenarios, they can also be used in combination to achieve more comprehensive performance optimization and security protection.
