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  Which route is the fastest in Hong Kong computer room
Which route is the fastest in Hong Kong computer room
Time : 2023-01-31 13:51:27
Edit : Jtti

  Which route is the fastest in Hong Kong computer room? When renting a Hong Kong server, most webmasters have speed requirements. The selection of the line of the computer room will affect the speed of the Hong Kong server. Then, there are many Hong Kong computer room lines, so which line is the fastest?

  We can be divided into single, dual -line, three -line, BGP lines, and CN2 lines; domestic network operators include telecommunications, Unicom, and mobile. Below we briefly learn about these lines of computer rooms and differences:

  Single -line computer room: It refers to only one network operator and only one network line.

  Double -line computer room: It refers to two of them, two of them, and two network lines.

  Third -line machine room: It refers to three domestic network operators and three network lines.

  BGP line: Also known as a multi -line computer room, it refers to the lines of all countries. When the access returns, the fastest line will be automatically switched, which has automatic recognition function.

  CN2 line: refers to the telecommunications line. The CN2 telecommunications line belongs to high -quality network lines (because telecommunications deployed overseas lines), which is mainly aimed at the global backbone network line, which has obvious effects on domestic access to overseas network lines. Among them It belongs to the highest level and is also known as the return line.

  Machine room line difference

  There is currently no advantage in the server of a single -line computer room. Why do you say that? First of all, the domestic network region is divided into north and south. Southern Telecom routes are relatively fast and the North China Unicom is relatively fast. Due to the operator's competition relationship, different network lines cannot be exchanged well. For example, very common examples, some game servers are divided into telecommunications areas, Netcom areas, etc. When players in the telecommunications area go to the Netcom area? Without advantage.

  The dual and third -line machine rooms are more appropriate in China, and the access speed is also relatively good, which can meet the normal access of domestic users.

  The advantage of BGP multi -line computer room is that it will automatically adjust to the fastest line according to the access request. This is not only suitable for domestic, but also for international.

  The CN2 line is different from the BGP line. The BGP line returns the fastest line according to the request. It is suitable for any country. It belongs to a multi -line fusion. That is, the BGP line can contain the CN2 line or not; and the CN2 line belongs to the return of the return line to the country. It belongs to a single line. At present, most overseas servers are more dependent on the CN2 line. There is no difference between the speed of the BGP line and the CN2 line to access the domestic speed, and the speed and delay are similar.
