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  What is the difference between VPS server and virtual host
What is the difference between VPS server and virtual host
Time : 2023-09-25 15:02:35
Edit : Jtti

  Virtual special server (VPS) and virtual hosts are two different hosting solutions for custody websites and applications. There are many differences between them, including performance, control, resource allocation and use. It is important to understand these differences before choosing a custody solution that suits your needs. The following is a detailed information about the difference between the VPS server and the virtual host:

  1. Resource allocation and performance

  VPS server:

  Resource isolation: VPS is a virtualization technology that creates multiple virtual servers on a physical server. Each VPS has its own operating system, independent resources (CPU, memory, storage and bandwidth) and file systems. This means that resources are isolated and are not affected by other VPS.

  High performance: Due to resource isolation, VPS usually provides higher performance and reliability. You don't have to worry about the performance problems caused by shared server resources.

  Root access permissions: Generally, VPS users have ROOT or administrators access permissions, which can freely manage server configuration, installation software and advance customization.

  Virtual host:

  Shared resource: Virtual hosts host multiple websites on the same server and share the server's resources. This means that resources such as CPU, memory and bandwidth are shared.

  Instant performance: Due to resource sharing, the performance of the virtual host may be affected by the websites of other custody on the same server. If a website experiences the peak of traffic, it may affect the performance of other websites.

  Limited configuration control: Virtual hosts usually provide limited control, and users cannot customize server configuration freely. Users usually can only use the control panel provided for basic configuration.

  2. Control and customization

  VPS server:

  Height customization: VPS users can freely choose operating systems, configure software, set up firewall rules, and make advanced customization. They have higher control and can be configured according to their needs.

  Independent IP address: Each VPS usually has an independent IP address, which helps better manage and configure multiple websites.

  Virtual host:

  Limited customization: Virtual hosts usually provide limited configuration and custom options. The user cannot change the server configuration by the definition of the host provider.

  Sharing IP address: Virtual hosts usually share the same IP address, which may lead to some restrictions, such as the configuration of the SSL certificate.


  3. Applicable use


  VPS server:

  Applicable to medium and large websites: Due to higher performance and control, VPS is usually suitable for medium and large websites, applications and e -commerce sites, as well as projects that require more resources.

  Multi -site hosting: VPS is a good choice for hosting multiple websites or applications, because they can effectively isolate the resources of different projects.

  Virtual host:

  Suitable for small websites: virtual hosts are usually suitable for small personal websites, blogs and small enterprise websites. They provide economic affordable custody solutions.

  Low resource requirements: If your website traffic is not large and does not require a lot of resources, virtual hosting is a suitable choice.

  4. Cost

  VPS server:

  High cost: VPS is usually more expensive than virtual hosts because they provide more resources and performance. Price is different from providers and configurations.

  Virtual host:

  Economic benefits: Virtual hosts are usually low prices and are suitable for users with limited budgets. The price is usually provided by monthly or annual subscriptions.

  5. Security

  VPS server:

  Higher security: Due to resource isolation and higher control, VPS usually has higher security. Users can implement their own security strategies and configurations.

  Virtual host:

  Lower security: Due to resource sharing and limited control, virtual hosting may be more vulnerable to the security threat of other hosted websites on the same server.

  VPS servers and virtual hosting have obvious differences in performance, control, resource allocation, and use. Your choice depends on your project needs, budget and technical skills. If you need higher performance and control and willing to pay higher fees, the VPS server may be a better choice. If you have a small website and want to host at a economic affordable price, the virtual host may be more suitable. In the end, the appropriate hosting solution needs to weigh these factors and make decisions based on your specific needs.
