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  Why is the server native IP more popular
Why is the server native IP more popular
Time : 2023-09-20 14:00:48
Edit : Jtti

  The native IP address of the server usually refers to the internal or local IP address of the server in its network for internal communication and management. This IP address is usually the LAN IP address assigned by the server, not the public Internet IP address.

  The reason why the original IP address of the server is usually more popular is the following points:

  Performance and stability: Use the native IP address of the server to provide more direct and faster connections, because data does not need to be forwarded through other intermediate devices or agents. This usually leads to lower latency and faster response time, which is very important for applications and services that require high performance and low latency.

  Network usability: Native IP addresses are usually not affected by the interruption of CDN (content distribution network) or proxy server. If your server is behind a CDN, when the CDN encounters a problem, the visitor may not be able to access your website or application normally. The use of native IP addresses can improve network usability and reduce the risk of single -point failure.


  Network isolation: The native IP address can provide a certain degree of network isolation, making your server is not easily affected by the shared IP address. In the case of sharing IP addresses, a server may be affected by bad behaviors or blacklists of other servers.

  Security: Native IP addresses can increase a layer of security because they are usually not easily deceived or forged. This helps protect the server from the effects of deceiving attacks and deception attacks.

  Specific application requirements: For certain applications and services, you need to direct IP connection, such as Voip (Voice Over IP) telephone system, virtual special network services, and certain online games. These applications may need to communicate directly with the server to ensure the reliability and low latency of audio, video and data transmission.

  Although the server's native IP addresses have many advantages, they also need to pay attention to some potential issues. For example, native IP addresses may be more vulnerable to malicious attacks, so appropriate security measures need to be implemented. In addition, the limitedness of IP address and the shortage of IPv4 address may also make it difficult to obtain sufficient native IP address.

  In summary, the native IP address of the server is popular because they usually provide better performance, availability and security, especially for applications and services that require high performance and low latency. However, specific requirements and network architectures will also affect whether the native IP address is selected.
