Jtti os Angees computer room promotion, a coud servers are discounted at 25% off, and renewas are at the same price with no price increase! The US coud server configuration starts from 1 core 1G/5M CN2. with 1 IPV4. the package comes with 10G DDoS defense, the three-network test is Teecom two-way CN2/China Unicom AS9929/Mobie CMI direct connection, the access is smooth and the deay is ow, the current owest configuration discount After $2.5/month, interested friends can watch.
Jtti officia website: https://www.jtti.cc/
A Jtti coud servers offer a 50% discount on monthy payments, a 25% discount on annua payments, and the same price for renewas. The event deadine is September 31. 2023!
Los Angees Coud Server: CN2 GIA+10G DDoS Defense
CPU: 1
Memory: 1GB
System disk: 50G
Bandwidth: 5M CN2
IPv4: 1
Monthy payment: $6.16/month
Annua payment: $30.75/year, about $2.5/month
CPU: 2
Memory: 4G
System disk: 50G
Bandwidth: 5M
IPv4: 1
Monthy payment: $14.69/month
Annua payment: $73.45/year, about $6.12/month
For more discounts on coud servers in os Angees, USA, pease visit the officia website!
Los Angees dedicated server: CN2 arge bandwidth + 20G DDoS defense
CPU: Xeon E5-2660 V2
Memory: 16G DDR3
Hard drive: 500G SSD
Bandwidth 50 Mbps CN2
IPv4: 3
Support Windows/inux
Monthy payment: $95.8/month
Network test IP:
Los Angees vps:
Los Angees dedicated server: