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  High Defense cdn How to defend against attacks and How to use High defense cdn
High Defense cdn How to defend against attacks and How to use High defense cdn
Time : 2023-08-21 13:40:45
Edit : Jtti

High Defense CDN is a service used to improve the speed of website access and defend against various cyber attacks. It speeds up content delivery and provides a degree of security by distributing the content of a website to multiple server nodes located around the world. Here are some key points to use high-defense CDN and defend against attacks:

Use of high defense CDN:

Choose a CDN service provider: First, choose a reliable CDN service provider.

Domain name resolution: Resolve your domain name to the DNS server of the CDN provider so that traffic can be distributed through the CDN nodes.

Configure CDN rules: In the CDN console, configure acceleration rules according to your requirements, such as cache policy, domain name Settings, etc.

Wait for it to take effect: After the configuration is complete, the CDN node will begin caching and distributing your website content. Please note that updates to CDN nodes may take some time to take effect.


High Defense against CDN attacks:

DDoS attack defense: CDNS with high defense capability can mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks by distributing traffic and identifying abnormal traffic.

WAF: Some high-defense CDN providers also ship with WAF capabilities to detect and defend against Web application layer attacks such as SQL injection, XSS, and more.

Security policies: In the CDN console, you can set access control policies to restrict access to specific IP addresses or regions and prevent malicious access.

SSL encryption: Enables the SSL function of the CDN and uses HTTPS encryption to protect data transmission security.

Monitoring and analysis: Regularly monitor the CDN for traffic, performance, and security events. Many CDN providers have real-time monitoring and alarm capabilities so you can respond to issues in a timely manner.

Update your website: Keep your website and applications up to date to fix vulnerabilities and security issues and reduce the attack surface.

It should be noted that although high-defense CDN can provide certain security protection, it cannot completely replace other network security measures, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems. The comprehensive use of multi-level security protection measures can better protect your website and application from various attacks.
