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  Is the seo server IP static?
Is the seo server IP static?
Time : 2023-07-10 14:06:44
Edit : Jtti

  The IP address of the station server can be static or dynamic, depending on your network configuration and needs.

  A static IP address refers to a fixed IP address assigned to a server in the network and will not change over time or as the network changes. Static IP addresses are suitable for applications and services that need to maintain the same IP address at all times, such as websites, mail servers, etc. For site cluster servers, if you want each site to have a fixed IP address, then a static IP address is a good choice, which ensures that each site can be accessed through the same IP address.


  On the other hand, a dynamic IP address is an IP address dynamically assigned to a server in the network and can change as the network changes. Dynamic IP addresses are suitable for applications and services that do not require a fixed IP address, or when IP addresses change frequently in a network environment. For the station group server, if your site does not require a fixed IP address, or your network environment allows dynamic changes in IP addresses, then a dynamic IP address is an optional choice.

  Whether you choose a static IP address or a dynamic IP address, you need to ensure that your network configuration and DNS settings are correct to ensure that the site can be accessed by IP address or domain name. In addition, if you choose a static IP address, you will also need to coordinate with your Internet service provider to ensure correct IP address allocation and configuration.
