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  Are anti-ddos servers targeted at traffic attacks?
Are anti-ddos servers targeted at traffic attacks?
Time : 2023-07-04 15:02:24
Edit : Jtti

  Yes, high-defense servers are mainly for defense against network traffic. They are designed to protect servers from various cyber attacks, especially distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

  A DDoS attack is a malicious behavior in which the attacker uses a large amount of request traffic to exceed the server's processing capabilities, causing the server to be unable to respond to legitimate user requests. High-defense servers use professional DDoS protection equipment or services to detect and filter DDoS attack traffic to ensure that normal traffic can reach the server.


  High-defense servers use a variety of technologies and strategies for traffic defense, including traffic monitoring, traffic cleaning, IP filtering, blocking malicious IPs, etc. They identify and block abnormal traffic and ensure that the server can handle normal requests.

  In addition to defense against DDoS attacks, high-defense servers can also provide other security functions, such as preventing CC attacks (a large number of requests for the application layer), firewall protection, intrusion detection and prevention, etc., to enhance the security of the server.

  Generally speaking, a high-defense server is a server specially designed to handle large-scale traffic attacks. Through technical means such as traffic monitoring, filtering and blocking, it protects the server from malicious traffic and ensures the stability and availability of the server.
