HK Anti-DDoS Server
Our high protection servers can withstand T-level traffic from all over the world.
Model CPU RAM Storage Bandwidth DDoS IP Price/mo.
Up to 54% OFF
Xeon E5-2660 32G DDR3 500G SSD 10 Mbps CN2 20 G 3 IP
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HK-DDOS 50G Xeon E5-2660 32G DDR3 500G SSD 10 Mbps CN2 50 G 3 IP
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Limited Offer
Xeon E5-2660 32G DDR3 500G SSD 20 Mbps CN2 100 G 3 IP
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HK-DDOS 200G Xeon E5-2660*2 64G DDR3 500G SSD 20 Mbps CN2 200 G 3 IP
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HK-DDOS 500G Xeon E5-2660*2 64G DDR3 500G SSD 20 Mbps CN2 500 G 3 IP
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HK-DDOS ∞ Xeon E5-2660*2 128G DDR3 500G SSD 100 Mbps CN2 10000000 G 3 IP
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If you can not find what you want,please Contact Us
Anti-DDoS System Facilities & Features
Monitor - Identify - Filter - Return, no artificial intelligence processing, comprehensive defense against ≥25 DDoS/CC variant attacks and any other combination

7*24h monitoring, accurate identification and attack

The high defense server Ati-DDoS system integrates attack indicators, telemetry and advanced packet-by-packet detection system, monitors network traffic around the clock, accurately identifies DDoS/CC full class attacks and triggers defense at second level.

DDoS Traffic Intelligence Cleaning

The cleaning center uses automatic inline mitigation and intelligent routing technology to implement seven layers of filtering scalpel type cleaning to accurately and powerfully filter attack traffic and return normal traffic back to the source site to ensure that your website is always online.
whiteICMP Echo Request flood
whiteIP Packet Fragment Attack
whiteDistributed DNS Amplifiction Attack
whitePing of Death
whiteTCP SYN flood
whiteTCP Spoofed SYN flood
whiteTCP SYN ACK Reflection flood
whiteTCP ACK flood
whiteTCP fragmented Attack
whiteUDP flood
whiteUDP fragment flood
whiteIGMP flood
whiteDNS flood
whiteHttp(s) GET/POST flood
whiteDDoS DNS